Thursday, January 25, 2007

Speklunk =Splat

Ya know what a Real Estate Ninja does while his wife is assembling 70 people for his surprise party?

Urban spelunking

Breeze by the RA who is in iPodblivion & check out the place's mechanicals, natch.

Then exit down the fire escape.

Can't be late for your own party ya know.

Friday, January 19, 2007

You Be Grillin

This is totally being renovated to flip into condos.
Telltale sign - Balconies.
Right after granite countertops and in unit laundry, IT IS WRITTEN that all vintage remodels must have a bacony.

Why fresh air is forbidden to renters I do not claim to know.
But only when you actually invest with hard cash may you have something that is kinda free to all.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


This wins the "If it can't be gorgeous at least it's interesting" award.
And the award for "Don't worry what the map says, You can't miss it"

Monday, January 15, 2007

London Calling

These are the new neighborhood lampposts
Not sure how I feel about these puppies. They're ok looking I guess.
But is this the city of Chicago or a film set for a London mystery?
Feel like I should be wearing a trenchcoat to go to the mailbox

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Obiligatory Chicago Bears Post

Go Bears!
Bring back those 8th grade memories.
The first rap song I ever heard was Superbowl Shuffle.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Let it Snow Already

Yeah yeah - I'm not going tell you it's oh so pretty or that.
But I have been waiting to see how the city plans on plowing around/over/up to - their 578 thousand speed bumps.
Child safety. Crime deterring. Sure.
Thought all the way through? Perhaps not.
Really - how is a Chicago garbage truck gonna come at these & push snow over them if I make sparks at 6 mph?

And fine they get the one side clear. Are they really gonna do the other side or is there gonna be a mini sledding hill in effect thus ruining the child safety factor?

Belated Xmas

The gifts we give ourselves are the usually the best.
Like this chunk of tile from the construction site at Halsted &

Van Buren. I caught the red & saw it just laying there in a puddle. Jumped out. Grabbed it & met my wife in the car down Halsted.
So it was raining.
That just made it shinier.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

BADDITION® Energy Conservation

No drafty windows here. No sirree. They're all warm & toasty and probably quite pale.

On summer evenings they project movies for the neighbors too.